Title 1: MSIP & NRF Special Session (in Korean)
- [MB07] October 17(MON) ; 13:00~14:30
- Organizer: Prof. Sungwan Kim (Seoul National University), Director of NRF
- Topic 1: Future Development of Basic Research in Science & Engineering
- Topic 2: Open Forum for the 2017 Basic Research in Science & Engineering
- * Korean is used in the session.
Title 2: National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) Special Session (in Korean)
- [MC06] October 17(MON); 17:00~18:30
- Organizer: Prof. Sungwan Kim (Seoul National University), Director of NRF
- 17:00~17:10 - 연구재단 소개 (NRF Overview)
- 17:00~18:00 - 연구 재단 기초연구본부 ICT.융합학문단 과제 수행자 성과 발표
- 18:00~18:30 - 연구자 간담회 (Open Forum)
Title 3: Korea Robotics R&D (in Korean)
- [MC07] October 17(MON) ; 17:30~18:30
- Organizer: Kyung-Hoon Kim (Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology)
- Theme: MOTIE(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) of Korean Government is sponsoring national robotics R&D and industrial promotion programs based on Intelligent Robot Act. Issues in the 2nd robotics master plan, direction of national robotics R&D and major national projects will be presented and discussed.
- * Korean is used in the session.
Title 4: Center for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology(WISET) Workshop (in Korean)
- [TB06] October 18(THU) ; 13:00~14:30
- Organizer: Sohee Kim (DGIST)
- Theme: This session is sponsored by Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET), including the announcement of Young Researchers Awards and two special lectures. The first lecture is to disseminate the increasing importance of gendered innovations in science and engineering research, and introduce examples of gender-sensitive research for thorough and more effective R&D outcomes. The second lecture is about 3D microfluidic systems to investigate cancer cell metastasis in humans, an excellent example of advanced technologies applied to solve medical problems of significance.